Bring together a multidisciplinary team with a wide range of expertise in public health research, practice, health informatics and data analysts, policymakers and evaluation experts along with co-participation of the community-based organizations.

Our Vision

To empower, develop, and equip a resilient, diverse, and dynamic public health workforce capable of addressing current and emerging health challenges, fostering health equity, and safeguarding the well-being of communities.

Our Mission

Advance public health through a trained and dedicated workforce with the essential knowledge and skills to respond to current and emerging public health needs.

Our Partners

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

HV Surveillance Supplemental Report: Monitoring Selected National HIV Prevention and Care Objectives by Using HIV Surveillance Data United States and 6 Territories and Freely Associated States, 2022. Shelby County, TN is one of the 57 phase I priority jurisdictions of the national Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. (EHE) initiative as part of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy. As one of these jurisdictions, some additional HIV outcome data is available via the CDC HIV Surveillance Data Tables. These data include care outcomes such as timely linkage to care, evidence of care, and viral suppression among people living with diagnosed HIV.


PrEP uses data accessed via who obtained prescription data from IQVIA with the support of Gilead Sciences, Inc., and compiled by researchers at the Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University. Data includes the number of persons prescribed PrEP in a calendar year from 2012-2022.

The Tennessee Department of Health

HIV Epidemiology and Surveillance Program manages the HIV/AIDS surveillance system, eHARS, which includes all HIV-related laboratory reports as well as case report forms and treatment information. Shelby County level data is publicly available in the 2021 Tennessee HIV Epidemiological Profile, published in August 2023, and includes case counts and rates of persons newly diagnosed with HIV, concurrent HIV/AIDS diagnoses, and people living with diagnosed HIV between 2017-2021.

The Shelby County Health Department

We invite you to browse our site for information on current health issues affecting our community and to learn more about the Shelby County Health Department (SCHD), our work, and the valuable services we offer to the people of Shelby County. Our shared mission and our vision for a better community inform all of the work of the Shelby County Health Department. Join us in our efforts to become the healthiest and safest community in the country.

The University of Memphis School of Public Health

In a world of pressing health concerns, a degree in public health can make a difference. Our remarkable, driven students and our research-oriented faculty, alongside our dedicated staff, do just that each day. The UofM School of Public Health is committed to addressing the newest challenges and training the top public health leaders to shape the health of our communities.